About me.

The interaction between humans and complex systems has always fascinated me. My technophily and my background in Applied Cultural Sciences lead to my passion to help humans understand and easily interact with all kind of systems by creating logical architectures and meaningful interfaces.

Innovative products as well as smart digital strategies determine the future success of companies. As a UX designer I want to help companies to keep the focus on the users and thus create meaningful products and drive forward digital transformations.


My process.

1. Research & Empathise

Understand the major subject and its context(s) by doing extensive research, competitive analysis and benchmarking. Understand users and their problems/ goals/ requirements/ pain-points/ needs by doing interviews/ analyse context of use/ research on relevant channels/ do empathy excercises.

2. Concept & Architecture

Using the results from my research to develop the concept and the information architecture. Solid architecture and a smart concept are the cornerstones of a successful product.

3. Wireframe & Prototype

Rough sketches with pen and paper quickly show whether concept and architecture can work. Iterations are then translated into digital wireframes that can be converted into clickable prototypes and used for first testings and further iterations.

4. UI Design

Colours, fonts and overall visual style are defined taking into account existing branding guidelines, user needs and preferences (and of course design principles 🤓).

A sytem can only be as intelligent as its designers.

Skills & Tools


  • Adobe CC
  • Sketch
  • Abstract
  • Marvel
  • InVision
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • MIRO
  • G Suite


  • Information Architecture
  • Prototyping
  • Wireframing
  • User Interface Design
  • Usability Testing
  • User Research
  • Agile Methods (Scrum & Kanban)
  • Basics in CSS, HTML and a little JS


If you are looking for a hard working, reliable and curious person for your team, a person who always leaves her ego at home and focuses on what’s best for the overall goal, please drop me a line.